the blog

The purpose of this blog is to be a source of Bible-based, Jesus-centered encouragement on your journey after loss.

Creating a Memorial: Honoring Your Child

Have you lost a baby too? I know it is so so hard. And one of my biggest fears in the wake of loss was moving on and forgetting.

There really is no moving on, in a way. Your life is forever changed. I didn’t want my life to go back to “normal.” I wanted to honor the depth of my loss, but I also wanted to do it in a healthy way.

Here are some ideas for honoring your baby’s life, no matter how short in or out of the womb.

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How Voice Of The Martyrs Changed My View Of Child Loss

I’m not sure where I got my first copy of Voice Of The Martyrs Magazine growing up, but when I started reading it after losing my baby, I had a completely different perspective on it.

Yes, the stories are very different from mine, and yet there are similarities. The biggest similarity is the life-changing loss these Christians face.

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Comforting Words for Christians Who Have Lost a Baby: What to Say and What Not to Say

I hate when I hear on the news about another shooting. And it crushes my soul to read another story of a mama bereaved of her baby. So…How do we encourage people after a tragedy? What about when you personally go through something?

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Grief, Hope, Jesus, Resources, Encouragment Kathy Clum Grief, Hope, Jesus, Resources, Encouragment Kathy Clum

6 Must-Read Books for the Bereaved Mom — Plus 2 Bonus Recommendations for Healing and Hope

Losing a pregnancy or a newborn can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences a family can endure. Coping with the emotions and navigating the healing process can be challenging, but reading books on the topic can provide comfort and support during this difficult time.

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Grief, Hope, Jesus Kathy Clum Grief, Hope, Jesus Kathy Clum

Facing Fear & Finding Hope

Some weird things have been happening globally and locally. Have you been there? Are you there now? Have the headlines troubled you to the point of fearfully hoarding food and toilet paper? Do you fear if life will ever be the same again? Do you fear losing the comforts you’ve grown to love? ✋🏽 Do you fear suffering?

I know I have.

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Finding Hope & Strength - An Interview With Meredith Hodge

Did you know that those who follow Christ will experience high-pressure waiting, discouraging circumstances, physical or emotional isolation, and a relatively harder life here and now than those who don’t follow Christ?

The truth is, I didn’t know…

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