Kathy Clum Kathy Clum

Wall of Remembrance

Stories of Hope from Bereaved Mothers


Losing a child is one of the hardest things a parent can go through. And as you walk through this valley of the shadow of death, it may feel like the deepest pain and darkest moments will overwhelm you. But Jesus wants us to know that he is with you in your deepest pain and darkest moments. You are not alone, even if it feels like it.

Below are stories that bereaved mothers have shared of how God has helped them and given them hope. No, these are not stories of mothers figuring out how to “move on” but rather how to lean hard on Jesus - the Resurrection and the Life - when all they feel is death and loss.

So go ahead, take some time to read, and let yourself be encouraged with the truth “If God can help them, then maybe he can help me too.”

And please feel free to add your own story to encourage another mother who is struggling.

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